On a Whim(sy)

A semantic confession

Fall has arrived and she is thriving! As such, I felt compelled to create this little diorama to celebrate the foliage of the season and my anticipation for dogs-a-plenty in Halloween costumes.

My relationship with the glue gun began in 2015 when I started enhancing objects with flora and fauna to display beauty products in the first floor vitrines at Macy’s Herald Square. My inaugural project surprised me—first in the joy of curating my palette of materials, and then in the ouija-board-like creative process of letting my eye guide the nestling of each dissected dried flower around the curves of synthetic cacti and dyed mushrooms. The ultimate beauty of the seemingly under-the-sea scape that these towers created was mine to discover—even as their creator!

I resist the word, “whimsical”—it elicits thoughts of home decor with trite quotes in the Comic Sans font, accompanied by the smell of artificial cinnamon spiced potpourri—and yet, in it’s true definition it accurately describes many projects that have pleased me the most. A quick google search for “whimsical” returned this Oxford dictionary definition: playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way

However playful or fanciful my designs may be at times, they are rooted in a purpose that is meaningful to me—recognizing a loved one in a thoughtful way (which can, and often should include humor) or taking a moment for myself to enjoy the hilarity of a grown woman in her 30s strapping miniature gourds on the backs of miniature felted dogs*. To me, being whimsical is being true to your own sense of humor and allowing yourself to enjoy life’s littlest details.

*When I purchased these dogs at World Market earlier this year, the clerk commented on my array of items as she scanned the set of felted canines “Something for you, something for the little ones—something for everyone”. Regretfully, I didn’t opt to confess that it was ALL for me—especially the toys.

Mixed faux and dried flowers and mushrooms, mounted to stacked metallic planters. Created for Macy’s Herald Square Cosmetics Floor
